Nostalgic for the Old OC Grill Bar?
Now you can own a piece of Olympic club history!
The Old Grill Bar was removed prior to the Lakeside renovations and salvaged to make TWO beautiful, free standing bars ready for a new home! Proceeds benefit the Olympic Club Foundation.
*Oscar Not Included
Two Sizes Available:
Long bar (above) — approx 8 feet (97.5 inches) by 30 inches (includes overhang of bar top) by 43 inches high.
Small bar (below) — 54 inches wide by 30 inches (includes overhang of bar top) by 43 inches high
Also available (and can be adapted to be used with either bar) is 30 extra inches of bar top that connects to the wall — lifts up and down for entry/exit.
*Oscar Not Included
You can make a confidential bid and/or preview these bars at a San Francisco location by contacting John Ring at or Annemarie Conroy at